Alumna Diletta Luminari to Begin a Master’s at Oxford University
May 20, 2014
Born in Rome, International Affairs alumna Diletta Luminari, Class of 2014, is on her way to a Master’s in Migration Studies at Oxford University.
May 20, 2014
Born in Rome, International Affairs alumna Diletta Luminari, Class of 2014, is on her way to a Master’s in Migration Studies at Oxford University.
May 2, 2014
Professor Bailey recently edited "Deprovincializing Habermas: Global Perspectives" in which Professor Lars Rensmann also authored a chapter.
April 29, 2014
JCU Graduating Senior Tariro Mzezewa will continue her studies at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
April 23, 2014
JCU Professor of Political Science and International Affairs Lars Rensmann presented his recent scholarly work on global politics and the global public sphere at the 2014 Western Political Science Association Meeting.
April 18, 2014
Tommaso Trillò, who graduated from JCU in December 2013 with a major in Political Science, is currently working as a Research Assistant at the Budapest Centre for International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities. Tommaso, who is from Rome, will begin working on a Master’s degree in Migration Studies at Oxford University next fall.
April 16, 2014
International Affairs professor Michael Driessen just published Religion and Democratization: Framing Religious and Political Identities in Muslim and Catholic Societies (Oxford University Press, 2014).
April 15, 2014
John Cabot University is pleased to offer three graduate level courses this summer to both graduate students and undergraduate students with advanced standing.
April 11, 2014
"We are here to celebrate the success of our students and the special spirit of our community," said John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello.
March 31, 2014
John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello recently gave the lecture "A Third Republic? Italian Politics Between Promise and Populism" at Michigan State and Marquette Universities.
March 24, 2014
On March 22nd, Chinese daily Xinhua English News interviewed John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello on new Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's efforts to push for changes in Europe that will help Italy emerge from its economic problems.
March 3, 2014
Professor Argentieri was asked to comment on the recent occupation of Crimea by Russian troops.
February 28, 2014
The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs was pleased to welcome Dr. Theda Skocpol from Harvard University for a special lecture entitled "Obama, the Tea Party and the Future of American Politics".
February 26, 2014
President Franco Pavoncello took part in a debate on a new book about U.S. President Barack Obama, La lezione di Obama, ("Obama's Lesson") by Stefano Lucchini e Raffaello Matarazzo.
February 21, 2014
John Cabot University President and professor of political science Franco Pavoncello was interviewed by USA Today on the current Italian political situation and the Prime Minister-designate Matteo Renzi.
February 15, 2014
Dr. Pavoncello is well-known media commentator on Italian affairs and a contributor to major international newspapers.
January 23, 2014
A native of Albania, Mihani is majoring in English Literature with minors in International Affairs and Italian Studies.
December 15, 2013
Professor Harris, who is from Los Angeles, holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and joined JCU in 1999. She is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law as well Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. She teaches courses in international law, constitutional law, American government, and political theory.
December 5, 2013
John Cabot University Alumna and former President of Student Government Liridona Malota recently published an article on Freedom House
December 2, 2013
Professor Argentieri was interviewed this morning by the GR3 news program of the Italian state radio RAI on the current turmoil in Ukraine.
November 25, 2013
Professor Argentieri is slated to teach PL 215 Italian Politics and Society, PL 345 Latin American Politics and Society and PL 355 East European Politics and Societies in the Spring 2014 semester.